Monday, February 13, 2012

What Am I going to Do?

There's no school.  A snow day.  Shoot.  Panic. Panic. Panic. And Breath.  It's Monday and after this certain weekend I was looking forward to Monday.  This is the day where I get 2 whole hours in the afternoon to myself, peace, you know what I'm talking about?  Now it's gone! Vanished!  Now this patience I've been praying for is going to be put to the test.  Why can't I just get the patience without the test.  Oh well.

I am the kind of mother who likes to turn on the T.V. and say "look at that, It's Elmo...he's so funny." And walk away to try to get things done.  Don't judge people, it doesn't always work...may I remind you of a certain boy in the sink?

In the process I've created 4 little monsters.  Mason however will be a selling machine when he gets older with all the infomercials he watches.  "Mom you really need to get that steam will clean your floors in like seconds.  Come on Mom, it's the best!"

But lately I've just gotten sick of it.  SICK OF IT, I TELL YOU!  Matt threw a major fit the other day when I turned the t.v. off so he could go play and he ran to the t.v. screaming his head off when I went to the kitchen and turned it back on.  He sat there for another 1/2 hour and watched t.v.  This is no longer good.

Sometime durning my endless hours of looking on the internet trying to find a better way to handle this monster I've created, I found a website that I love. She had so many idea's on there.  Then she had a link to another one of her websites called  And I fell in love!  On there she had the example of The Berenstein  Bears and Too Much T.V. and thats where we are at.  There is NO T.V. in our house for a week.  It's been a killer.  The first couple of days were the toughest on ME!  I usually say just put a movie on and leave me alone so I can just fold these clothes.  But no more.

Our family goal is to have a family unit.  To build each other up and be there for each other.  These are things that we have not been doing.  At the dinner table (another sore spot here)  This wonderful insightful woman also had the idea of using a pig, and passed it to whoever had bad manners.  Whoever ended up with the pig at the end of the meal had to clear the table by themselves.  I never knew I had a suck up for a daughter. "Yes Mommy, Please Mommy."  Oh my.  And Mason didn't like that he ended up with it.

We are going through so many changes with our family and I see that I need to stop babying them and they need to step it up, A LOT!  But I need to realize these changes don't happen over night, like I want them to.  I created these monsters after 8 years of hard work.  Now we together have to break the bad habits and create new good long lasting ones!

Check out these blogs, they are amazing!!!

Happy Monday!

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