Thursday, February 9, 2012

Suckers, Black Eyes, and Yoda...Oh My!

I'm diving out of my homework to write this real quick because...ummm....well, because I don't want to do homework and read anymore.  I was going to skip a day, but after last night, I couldn't resit letting you in on our exciting time.  Mr. Mom over here got to experience the joys of bringing just 3 of our kids on a outing to get just haircuts.  Because of the timing and everything it worked out pretty good.  Mason, Matt, and Mike needed haircuts.  Nick wanted Man Gel. Yes, Man Gel!  So he could do his hair with his Man Comb.  Rainbow Club was from 6:30 to 7:30p.m and Mike set the appointments at the time of 7:30 p.m.!  A little after seven he was off to pick up the kids.  The plan: to pick up the 2 oldest kids from Rainbow Club with Matt, get Matt's haircut, bring Matt and Anna home, put Matt, Anna, Nick to bed quick, Mason gets his haircut while Mike is doing this, Mike goes back, Mike gets haircut, come home, and then Mason goes to bed.  Right then I knew where Mason gets his dreamer quality from.

Mike gets back home and I knew right away "the plan" didn't go as planned.  Anna's sitting in the back room crying, Matt's crying with 2 huge bumps around his eyes and Mikes ready to blow.  Anna got into trouble cause she was twirling in the chairs and Mike told her to quite 90,000 times she wouldn't, while this was happening Matt wouldn't sit still and cried the whole time while sitting on Mikes lap.  The only time he stopped was from shock when he smacked his face on the table thingy that covers the sink, and then he cried even more.  When it was time to leave, Anna wanted a sucker and Mike said no. (we've been told we are by Anna that we're not supposed to be mean and to just giver her the suckers recently.)  She gave Mike a look of that matched Mike and took a sucker.  Mike took it back and this is where we enter at when they get home.

I got the joy of damage control and putting the 3 kids to bed by myself.  Although putting Matt in a bedroom closing the door while yelling his prayers over his screams then shutting the door and then telling Anna to just go lay by Nick knowing full and well they would not be sleeping, constitutes as putting them to bed by myself, then so be it.  I was merely waiting for Mike to get home so he could finish the job.  I did talk Anna off the ledge though.  It was tough, the girl is a drama queen I tell you!  Seriously..future Mr. Anna Frangenberg, I fear for you!

By the time Mike got back home the second time around with Mason he'd settled down enough that things just didn't matter anymore and you just had to laugh at the things that happened next.

At about 9:00 p.m.

When the kids still weren't asleep.

And I was cutting out butterflies for Anna's Valentines Cards....

20 of them.......

This is what happens when you don't make sure they are sound asleep....

and you don't properly package their old clothes.......

Here enters Nick.

He wanted to be Yoda...something he hadn't been since he was 3 years old.  It was a tad small.  Right about then I decided to have a small glass of wine.

"ROCKY ROAD??  EH EH?"   (The Goonies) 

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