Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Doctor’s Office…why I don’t like them..

The Biggest reason’s I don’t like the Doctor’s Office is really only 4 reason’s.  And I’ll list them in order…

Reason #1…MatthewDSCN6597

Reason # 2 Nicholas


Reason #3…Anna


And Reason #4…Mason


My Case is simple.  There are too many kids for 1 person.  I’m out numbered.  You sit in the “lobby” with birds and fishes and toys and t.v.’s. And they expect you to keep your kid quiet.  Not my kids.  Matt was screaming like a LOUD little girl when his little eye caught sight of a fish.  Nick was running all over from one side to the other.  And when You don’t think you can handle anymore.  They call your name to go into another room.  Only this room is a lot smaller and they have NOTHING your kid can touch.  My kids always lose it when it reaches this point.  They are not meant for being caged in .  They see a big red container on the ground with a foot thingy that you push down and whhhoooommmm…the lid flies up.  Wow that’s fun!  Then ohh my a chair that goes in a circle…it’s like a tire swing.  Twirl and Twirl till we can’t stand it.  Then there’s the drawers, oh my!  open shut, Open shut, open shut.  That is what they do!  Matt found today a big cupboard door that had nothing in it and it was under the sink and oh my he fight just perfect in there.  Nick called it his new home.  Anna wanted to get into the action, because of course this Doctor’s appointment was all about her!  Then there is the “bed.”  I mean this thing has legs that come out…button’s all over, a drawer and paper on it…lets jump, right…cause that’s what we need to do.  And if anything happens, we’re in the doctor’s office.  Matt’s favorite part, is the bit shinny switch under the desk.  His other favorite part is pushing said button and turning it on and off.  never mind that it is a power button that turns the computer on and off.  But the best part about going to the doctor’s office is getting there early so, because if your late you might lose your spot, waiting for 45 min. to only see the doctor for 5 min.  Yes that’s what I love.  The hole time, I’m sitting there face tight, mouth tight, trying to yell at the kids without anyone hearing me. Words that may or may not have left my mouth are..”Just wait till you get home.. I swear your going to put me into the grave…I will spank in the count of 3…Anna you are 7 years know better…(Anna says) Mom I’m 6…(I reply with I don’t care what age you are just sit!”

I love my doctor’s office and they see a lot of people in a day.  But all I ask of you is to get child proof stuff that goes in the drawers and don’t leave OB stuff sitting out cause my kids will wonder…and that’s a conversation I’d like to avoid for now!

Until then, the doctor’s office will be paying for my therapist bill!

Happy Wednesday!

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Where to Begin...

I've come to realize that when you are away from the world of blogging, that it's a hard thing to start back up again.  But I fully intend to start again. 

 This summer was crazy.  There was so much going on that some days I just wanted to stay in bed and not think about what was going on.  No "Mom...I want food.." or "Mom, Nick pooped his pants again...or it's really bad gas." or "Mom, Mason not being fair...He won't play with me...Mom, mom mom mom..."  For a mother these things start to wear you down.  By the time friends come over your either glad or your sometimes, sadly like me, and scream "Nooo!"  Don't get me wrong, my kids have some of the best friends anyone could have and I love having them over.  Majority of the time it wasn't bad. But sometimes, for me, only at times, I find, that the madness just overwhelms me and I can't find my way back to sanity.  Not that I ever was there.  It gets so easy to stay at home and not go outside unless it's within 3 feet of your door so if anyone spots you, you can run into your house.  It's easy to loose sight of reality when your surrounded by kids all day long.  Yes this summer was rough. 

It started out very good!  T-ball was there, swimming was in place, summer rec. was being taken advantage of, I was good.  Then the hot days came.  Matt doesn't do hott days.  So me bringing the kids to the pool was out.  They came up with water fights in our front yard...with the hose...and cups....Nick managed to use a spoon once.  It was that or they stayed inside with their hermit mother.  There were times, when the weather wasn't that bad, I would say no not today, it's to hot.  We can't do this..we can't do that.  Have you ever found yourself saying those things?  Just because you don't want to.  And then the ultimate...Matt can't do this, it's to hot.  Okay so I used the little stinker, so that I wouldn't have to go.  Wrong or right...I was exhausted and needed a break.  

As the summer went on my husband and I were looking forward to Rocky Mountain High.  It would be the first time away together like that in 9 years.  After that my brother and new sister-n-law's wedding.  Somewhere wedged in there we had birthday party's, anniversary, cakes, not to mention all the kids things, Mike getting ready to go back to college online, and me.  Where did the time go?  

I really don't know where I'm going with this post, but it's therapy for me.  Hopefully soon I will write about some of the other ongoings in this crazy family.  The good times, and the bad.    Soooo, until next time!

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

My Baby..

I know, your angry, right?  I haven't even attempted to write on here.  May's a hard month and lots of changes have been happening around here.  Something that I will blog about later.  I want to first talk about this wee man...

Matthew Roger Frangenberg

 Matt just turned one last Wednesday.  I can't believe it's already been a year since I've had him.  Right now, he's sleeping in the next room as I beg my 3 year old to be quite.  Matt is a terrible sleeper and any chance he sleeps...the whole house is silent!
 Anyways....This little guy now thinks he's big stuff.  He thinks he can get everyone's attention by crying and everyone see's the baby and thinks, "ohhh you poor little thing....are you all you need me to hold you????  see everything better now!"  Okay he doesn't need to think happens and he is a very smart cookie to figure it out very early in his life!

 This is Matt's favorite past time.  I've learned how to re-roll the toilet paper very well.  He has soon left the toilet paper...cause we have it up so high...that the water in the toilet fascinates him more.  Yes, my phone has been in there a time or two.  He is always thinking and always 5 steps ahead of me.  I fear for the future.

                                                                                                                                                                                      This is what happens when you mess with Mommy!!  I love you wee man!  You have been a blessing in our lives and it will never be a dull moment in our household with you in it.  Who am I kidding...all of our kids are the same.  I have the gray hair that I plucked from my head to prove it. 
Happy Birthday Matt!!!

Friday, April 15, 2011

A Story of a Girl....

Let me tell you of a story of a girl.
A story of a girl,
who isn't a girl anymore.
A girl who turned into a woman,
as you will soon see.
A woman who is full of love
and has a dream of being free.

But back to the story of the girl,
this girl who is now a woman.
This girl who was full of wonder 
and life.
She was born to a man 
and to his wife.
Who needed this girl,
 very much, you see.
 They needed this girl more than they could believe.

Ohh this girl,  this girl ,
this girl who is now a woman.
Ohh how I wish, so very much wish,
you could have seen the life that was in this child.
Her eyes,
they were so bright.
Her eyes,
they sparked.
Her eyes,
they danced with delight.

She wasn't just an ordinary girl,
this girl who is now a woman.
Sitting in her room at night,
dreaming, dreaming, dreaming.
Of day's to come, 
of those very days she would become.
A wife, a mom, a woman.

This girl, this girl!  
this girl who became a woman.
She was God's muse,
and as God's muse,
He watched her, Loved her, delighted in her,
on His throne in Heaven.

But this girl, this wonderful girl,
this girl who became a woman.
A sad, sad thing has happened,
it has happened to her, you see.
She became a woman to early,
to early indeed.
Innocents was taken from her,
ripped from her hands,
Life was stolen,
her life was broken. 

To see this girl now, 
this girl who is now a woman.
Her eyes,
are cold like ice.
Her eyes,
are bare of light.
Her eyes,
are dark as night.
And as God sits on His throne,
His throne in Heaven.
He weeps the tears of injustice,
oh His daughter, His muse, His very being
To lose the life, the love, the wonderment
ohh the wonderment, she didn't know she gave. 

Looking at this woman, this woman,
this woman who was once a girl.
To lose herself,
in a cold, cold unfeeling world.
Has boxed herself in,
boxed herself up, all wrapped up with a shinny red bow.
To show that she is not scared,
unloved, and able to take the next blow.

For many years, So many years this woman,
this woman who was once a girl.
Longed for the girl she once knew,
the girl she once was.
Sometimes, at night, late at night
she would pray, scream, cry 
To make become clean again,
to become alive again.

What happened to this woman, 
this woman who was once a child.
Who is this woman,
this woman who was once a girl.
Is she you....
or is she me?

Sunday, April 3, 2011

It Was The Run Of My Life...

 Here we are, Sioux City Spring Thaw 5K.  I thought I was prepared.  Look at me...I have it all going!  The setting was beautiful...the weather, perfect!  The kids were left at home!

With my game face on, I did my stretching....had my mind into the game....was going to take this seriously!

The other girls were ready...they were complaining cause I'm too dang short to find in a crowd.

Susan did great!  I admire her, she did all that she wanted to do.  She ran the race without walking and her time was great!  My list of excuses of not accomplishing this goal:
1.  I didn't start running outside until last Sunday.  I "trained" on the elliptical.  Starting now, I'm run outside
2.  The dog ate my homework
3.  I have terrible shoes
4.  I have sinus problems
5.  I forgot to unleash the wild wolf that was supposed to chase me.
6.  I think I just plan gave up.  (Prideful tear falling now!)

But I did finish, with an okay time.  42:56 seconds.  Lets just say a very pregnant woman finished before me!  I don't want to talk about that.  But I will talk about how great this lady is besides me here.  She didn't finish with me like this is showing.  She came back to help me push the rest of the way.  Not only did was she done but she sprinted the last like half of block with me!  Now that's a great friend.

 Here's my biggest supporter during this all.  I hope he enjoyed to race and watching his little cupcake accomplish this.  Little fun thing he did get to enjoy...someone calling for dinosaur's right after the race!  It was a proud moment for him....and her, whoever she was!

I was happy I did the race and I plan to do some more this year and the years to come.  I know I didn't achieve the main goal of finishing under 40 mins.  But I did do something I thought I would never do.  Run long distance without being chased!  I liked the challenge and it's hard work. 

Till we meet again 5K....till we meet again!

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Music Day 1

I have an insatiable thirst for music.  For as long as I can remember music has been my gateway into my emotions.  Usually what I'm listening to is a mirror image into how I'm feeling at the moment.  This is starting to change as I look to more inspirational music to inspire me.  I had an idea that I think I'm going to follow through on.  My idea is to share some of my favorite songs with you and how, when, and what was affected when I leaned on these songs.  It ranges from so many different styles.  I hope you enjoy it!

I think I'll start with some of my go to Praise and Worship songs that I love!

My first song I'm going to share has been a life line to me this year.  I am not joking when I say every time I turned on something, this song was there.  I don't know why...but it reached me when I wasn't listening to God.  I love this song, I sing it in the shower.  I mean just read some of the lyrics:

Our God is greater, our God is stronger
God You are higher than any other
Our God is Healer, awesome in power
Our God, Our God…

Into the darkness you shining
Out of the ashes we Rise
There’s no One like You
None like You.

And if Our God is for us, then who could ever stop us
And if our God is with us, then what can stand against?
And if Our God is for us, then who can ever stop us
And if our God is with us, then what can stand against?
Then what can stand against?
Then what can stand against?

Our God is greater, our God is stronger
God You are higher than any other
Our God is Healer, awesome in power
Our God, Our God…
Our God is greater, our God is stronger
God You are higher than any other
Our God is Healer, awesome in power
Our God, Our God…

Amazing right?!?!  How can you not get goosebumps on this song!

Then there's the ever popular song....Blessed be the name.  I used to wonder why I love this song.  Then I started to use this song as a prayer, or a lifeline if you will...but not in the way you'd think.  I would take these few words:

You give and take away
You give and take away
My heart will choose to say
Lord, blessed be Your name

I used to pray why?  Why would you give all these blessings to me and then take them away.  These I've learned are the hardest, hardest lesson I've learned.  To sit there and praise God for everything He's given me and when it's ripped from can I force my heart to praise Your name.  But I learned that in the end there's always nothing really was taken from me.

I'm going to give you more tomorrow...but I will leave you with this video. 

by Natalie Grant

Last year at Women of Faith, she sang this.  I had just had my little Matthew,  and I couldn't help but think of my baby that is with God right now waiting for her mommy to come hold her.  God's whispering to me that everything is going to be alright....can you hear it in this song?

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

It's all about ME!

Okay.  You've met my kids and now I wanna talk about me. 


 Because I can.

Because it's my blog.

Because I'm's a problem...

Mike doesn't like it....because he's self-centered tooo.....

It works for us!

SO,  I have a list of fun facts about Lisa.  Things you should know about me but doesn't really matter!  Let's just say if you wanted to get to know me better, these are things you want to know.  Get it??  Good!

Fun Fact #1
When I get nervous talking to people...the way I word things, somehow makes me sound like I'm Yoda.  With zero wisdom behind the words.  I can't explain it, but yup!

Fun Fact #2
My Favorite color is Blue.  Midnight Blue to be exact.

Fun Fact #3
My Favorite Books are Christian romance books.  I'm a sucker for romance.  In Jr. High and High School when I was sick, I would watch Snow White, Sleeping Beauty, Cinderella, and many, many more fairy tales.  I loved it when Prince Charming would come and sweep the girl and find true love. And now that I found that myself, I don't know I just keep reading them!
 I also love thriller books.  There's nothing better in a novel where they make you want to become a detective and solve the complicated case that has happened.  When thriller books collide with romance books..I'm in Heaven.

Fun Fact #4
My favorite thing to do as a kid was swim.  I loved to swim.  There is just something about floating in the water that makes you feel almost like your flying.  I love the feel of the water, it is so easy to dive into the water and let everything just go away!

Fun Fact #5
If I could live anywhere on the in the U.S., it would have to be Colorado.  Just fell in love with it when I went to Estes Park for Rocky Mountain High in High School. 

Fun Fact #6
When I was a little girl, I wanted to be a beautician.

How many more fun facts are there???  We'll have to wait and see...

Friday, February 25, 2011

My Crazy Family

What it's been how long since I've written on here?  Weeks?  How can that be.  Well to be truthful I've been busy.  I mean 4 kids, sickness throughout the land, a wedding to look forward to, a daughter that keeps very much on my toes...and lets not talk about the boys right now!  I mean how can anyone think with all this winter going on...the cabin fever setting in.....................................
                                                     I WANT SUMMER!!! 
The sun in my face...the wind in my hair...the bugs attacking my hott that you may melt and could probably cook an egg on the cement.   Ahhhhh Yes...Summer!

Well enough of that talk.  I must say that I think it's about time for you to meet my attackers.  My stinkers.  My kids who ruined my body with which I'm working very hard to get back (19 pounds y'all!!) (sorry my wanna be southern accent couldn't be contained)

 Now on with the show...

This wonderful creature is my first born.  This one stole my heart the moment I laid eye's on him. This is also the one who first gave me all my stretch marks!  But he is also the one who made me realize that laughter is everything.  He's a great kid.  Full of himself.  A know it all, if your following my drift.  He looks just like his Daddy.  Scary?!?!?!  YES.   I'm not kidding, I'll show you the pictures sometime...not the stretch marks, but of Mike and Mason.

This one....well she's the apple of my eye.  She's my soul.  Her very being is me over and over.  She's our
Tootie girl, our Anna Banana, our cutie pootie; the list could go on and on.    Look at her. Beautiful blue eyes, gorgeous hair, wonderful nails!  I mean seriously, she is a beautiful little girl.  She also has an amazing ability to make anyone smile.  On another note...her teacher says she appreciate her very much, but Anna has a mind of her own and she will do what she wants. (now if we can only get her to use it for the forces of good!) Yes I love my wild spirited Anna!

 Now this one, there are no words.  He reminded me to smile.  Seriously, this one has taken my life away and replaced it with more than I could even describe.  Look at that smile, and those eyes, and that bruise..  How could you not love him at first sight?  He is also the one Mike and I are betting on to go streaking down the middle of the football field showing his school spirit!  GO DUTCH! 
His first word was silly...can you believe that.  Silly!  That's exactly how he is!

And last but not least is this little wee man.  The moment he was born I knew he was special, just like all my kids.  As I type, he is making a cheerio camp under his butt.  He loves making a mess with Cheerios's.  He can't help it, it's what he does.  I can't believe he is almost a year old.

               Matthew Roger Frangenberg,

 no one will ever spell your whole  name right.  Get used to it! 

There you have it, my kids!  Yes that is a scary thought!  I hope you've fallen in love with them, almost as much as Mike and I have.  And if you see me walking around with a confused look on my face, it's because I'm wondering why in the world God let me have these kids.  Really what was He thinking?  Sorry world.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

I think I have a problem..

I'm just saying this because I think I have a problem.  It's not a serious problem....well maybe it could be.  I am addicted to craft and food blogs.  I have them all over here in my little Crazy Life blog.  But oh the wonderful things I've found.  The sewing projects, the thought of being a knitter and crotchet, the food...the glorious food!  Could there not be anything better!  I have found some of my favorite things on here.  And it all started with The Pioneer Woman.  She started a bad thing in me.  Thanks a lot!  The Pies, the pizza, the thought that Mike would look down right wonderful in a pair of chaps, (sorry Mike!)  I did bring up the idea of packing up everything and become ranchers in Oklahoma.  He didn't think that would be a great idea.  He knows nothing of farming...give him a paint gun and he's the king.  Give him a cow and he'd run the other way.  Not a dis honey....just not a talent of's okay...I love you just the same!

Side note....we are having a snow day today.  No school=no peace for mommy=no peace for daddy, kind of day.  And my kids are "playing"  the three stooges. Someones going to get!

Back to my love for blogging and all the blogger's out there!

My newest favorite little spot has just happened today...called:

They have tons of wonderful easy foods to do.  And a added bonus you can do them easily with your kids! 

By the way the side note I added moments happened...Nick is now wounded and is in need of assistance! 

I hope you guys check these two websites!!  They are tons of fun and I love reading them!

Friday, January 21, 2011

New Year....New Start

The best gift given to me on my birthday was my husband Mike saying...for your gift this year we are going to have a new start.  I loved hearing that.  After many years of struggling with whatever God through our way. It was nice to think of the year 2011 as a new start to new things. 

So I got on the bandwagon.  I hit it hard.  I started with a list.  My first thing was all the crafts and sewing projects I want to complete this year...hopefully before summer hits.  This has become my therapy...besides venting on this blog.  My next thing on my list was something I never thought I would do.  In High School, I used to love accounting.  But I never used it.  And how stupid is that, I mean we owned a business...I guess when I started having babies, my schooling part of the brain just got lost.  Mike and I found an online class through NCC and I decided to take it.  I think sometime during reading the first chapter....I crapped my pun intended!  Just in the form of how much I loved it and how much I knowledge I lost over the years.  It was almost like starting over.  I even got to get a shinny new calculator!  Isn't that great!  I wanted to hop over the Dollar Store (cause that's how I roll) and pick up some new shinny pencils.  Buuuut Mike reminded me that we have about a million of those little babies all over the house.  Literally.  I think my kids have got a dog like mind here.  It's like they need to protect them and hid them from everyone else.  There's been some days I wonder, what in the world is that pencil doing there???  How did it get there? 


The next thing on my list was cookie and cake decorating.  I asked Mike awhile back what can I do to save money around here.  And his reply was.."do whatever you can homemade and we'll go from there."  So I hit it hard.  I've got a list started.(Remember the craft and sewing list I mentioned)  I've some things done.  Most not.  But on that "what I can do at home" list was cookie and cake decorating!  I found out that the instructor for the class is a wonderful lady that goes to my church!  How much more can God be pointing to the big sign saying "GO THIS WAY"  at me?  So starting on Feb. 3, I am going to start with this adventure!  I can't wait. 

The biggest change I wanted to do this year, was loooooooose this massive weight that's been clinging to me for far to long.  Now I know babies.....right?  I can't keep with that excuse anymore.  Besides, it makes me unhappy.  Mike and I both are trying this new wellness program.  It's been working out great.  Best one I've done so far and I'm down 6 lbs. with only a week in.  With that, I decided to work out.  You know, tone...muscles ache...death could come soon.  I joined Kristen Lassen's Fitness  Boot Camp.  This is serious stuff.  My face was so red, that when I got home I fell to the floor and Mike thought I spent the hour at tanning salon (and fell asleep) then to the fitness center.  My kids grabbed my shirt and yelled, "mommy your shirts wet."  It was a great time though.  I loved getting out and giving this old body a run for it's money! 
Along with this wonderful Boot Camp.  I had a friend challenge me, if you will, to doing a program with her called Couch Potato to 5k, or C25K to us insiders.  And in April, God rest my soul, I'm going to do my very first 5k marathon.

It's taken me about ten years and 4 babies later to realize that I needed to dream alittle more.  I love my family very much. And it's worked out that I can do some of the things from my house, so I'm not away from them very long.  But it's also taken me ten years to realize that, these crazy kids of mine won't be under mike and I's house forever.  There are so many things I want to learn down the road.  Hopefully God will make a way.  I can't wait to see what happens!  Can you?

Thursday, January 13, 2011

My Biggest Fears...

I have many fears.  I would love to say that I have been able to work through my fears and come out on top at the end.  Cause almost all of the fears I have, I do not want to work through them.  There are however some very very silly fears that I don't want to ever have to come into contact with.

FEAR NUMBER 1-  I was a very very big lover of the T.V. show E.R.  In fact I watched since it started on t.v.  until the untimely death of the show....still harboring bad feelings toward this...I mean there was so much they could have gone with...they introduced Dr. Greene's daughter as a resident, John Carter was back in Chicago....was he going to get back together with his wife or not..The list could go on and on.  I guess I should get back to what my fear is.  It's from this show that my fear has come into place.  My biggest fear is that I will get into a car accident and they will have to use a saw to cut through my rib cage to do something to my heart.  I don't like saw's.  I don't like cutting of bones.  It scares me.  I'm getting the creepy shivers right now thinking about it all.

And for that...I must go on!

FEAR NUMBER 2-  I don't know if this is my second fear or if it's just in the fear category.  I fear I will be forgotten.  I would love to change or touch just one person.  If I could do that....I this fear would be off the list.

FEAR NUMBER3-- Rats....big big Rats!!!  who likes those icky...creepy big things.  In fact...I hate mice, bats, spiders (but I'd rather have spiders than bats...if I see a spider I thank God that it's not a bat, mouse, or rat.....and then I kill it.  I'm sorry that was mean..but I can not lie.  It's what I do)  Little story on this.. One time, long long ago in a land called Primghar, I was married for alittle over a year and I had just one child at the time.  I was going out to the garage to get something and I heard a squeak.  For sure, I thought it was a bat.  I very fast ran into the house, grabbed Mason, put him in the car seat...ran to the into the car...left home and went to my parents house.   I did not come home until Mike was done on the Garbage truck (cause that's how we rolled back in the day) and he took care of that acky creature.  Come to find out it was just a baby mouse stuck.  I guess there was no need to panic like I did.  But hey, who knew...I wasn't going to check it out!

FEAR NUMBER 4--I fear I will someday lose Mike.  Not to some other lady mind you, but in another way.  Someday, it feels to good to be true.  There have been times I wonder....I mean, he's the love of my life.

FEAR NUMBER 5--I fear I am not living up to God's expectations of me. 

FEAR NUMBER 6--I fear the cold.  I live in Iowa and I hate cold.  I can handle the 20 degree weather...but when it gets soo cold it just bits every bone you have...I must freak out. 

FEAR NUMBER 7--  I fear the pool water.  Not the pool, but the water that comes off of people when they get out of the pool and it goes on the cement.  This is a silly fear I know, but I FREAK out when I see it.  I have to tip toe through the bathrooms....(thats a whole other fear in itself...going to the bathroom while having a wet swimsuit on. aoahflsdkfnjalsdkfj.  yuck!) and I tiptoe outside on the cement, unless I have very good sandles on so that my feet can't touch the water.  I'm fine when I get into the water...I have no worries in the world.

I think for now that's enough fears.  I'm trying to conquer some of them..but some will have to just stay in the top 7 of all time fears of Lisa Frangenberg!

Monday, January 10, 2011

Bill Cosby - "Jeffery"

My mom loves Bill Cosby.  I remember when I was a kid she would listen to probably her favorite stand up comedian talk about how life used to be and what life with kids is all about.  Bill Cosby's "Himself" is the one she would watch all the time, and the one she would rewind over and over is the sketch about "Jefferey."  This perticular sketch is about a mother who boards a plan that Bill Cosby is on and she has with her a 3 year old drafting her as she walks to her seat.  Her appearence is all nice and proper.  Bun in place,  clothes all nice and in order.  She looks like a very put together gal. have to hear for yourself the outcome of this particual lady and the people in the plane with her.

Needed a laugh?!?!?  Well your welcome!  Have a good snowy day!