Friday, January 21, 2011

New Year....New Start

The best gift given to me on my birthday was my husband Mike saying...for your gift this year we are going to have a new start.  I loved hearing that.  After many years of struggling with whatever God through our way. It was nice to think of the year 2011 as a new start to new things. 

So I got on the bandwagon.  I hit it hard.  I started with a list.  My first thing was all the crafts and sewing projects I want to complete this year...hopefully before summer hits.  This has become my therapy...besides venting on this blog.  My next thing on my list was something I never thought I would do.  In High School, I used to love accounting.  But I never used it.  And how stupid is that, I mean we owned a business...I guess when I started having babies, my schooling part of the brain just got lost.  Mike and I found an online class through NCC and I decided to take it.  I think sometime during reading the first chapter....I crapped my pun intended!  Just in the form of how much I loved it and how much I knowledge I lost over the years.  It was almost like starting over.  I even got to get a shinny new calculator!  Isn't that great!  I wanted to hop over the Dollar Store (cause that's how I roll) and pick up some new shinny pencils.  Buuuut Mike reminded me that we have about a million of those little babies all over the house.  Literally.  I think my kids have got a dog like mind here.  It's like they need to protect them and hid them from everyone else.  There's been some days I wonder, what in the world is that pencil doing there???  How did it get there? 


The next thing on my list was cookie and cake decorating.  I asked Mike awhile back what can I do to save money around here.  And his reply was.."do whatever you can homemade and we'll go from there."  So I hit it hard.  I've got a list started.(Remember the craft and sewing list I mentioned)  I've some things done.  Most not.  But on that "what I can do at home" list was cookie and cake decorating!  I found out that the instructor for the class is a wonderful lady that goes to my church!  How much more can God be pointing to the big sign saying "GO THIS WAY"  at me?  So starting on Feb. 3, I am going to start with this adventure!  I can't wait. 

The biggest change I wanted to do this year, was loooooooose this massive weight that's been clinging to me for far to long.  Now I know babies.....right?  I can't keep with that excuse anymore.  Besides, it makes me unhappy.  Mike and I both are trying this new wellness program.  It's been working out great.  Best one I've done so far and I'm down 6 lbs. with only a week in.  With that, I decided to work out.  You know, tone...muscles ache...death could come soon.  I joined Kristen Lassen's Fitness  Boot Camp.  This is serious stuff.  My face was so red, that when I got home I fell to the floor and Mike thought I spent the hour at tanning salon (and fell asleep) then to the fitness center.  My kids grabbed my shirt and yelled, "mommy your shirts wet."  It was a great time though.  I loved getting out and giving this old body a run for it's money! 
Along with this wonderful Boot Camp.  I had a friend challenge me, if you will, to doing a program with her called Couch Potato to 5k, or C25K to us insiders.  And in April, God rest my soul, I'm going to do my very first 5k marathon.

It's taken me about ten years and 4 babies later to realize that I needed to dream alittle more.  I love my family very much. And it's worked out that I can do some of the things from my house, so I'm not away from them very long.  But it's also taken me ten years to realize that, these crazy kids of mine won't be under mike and I's house forever.  There are so many things I want to learn down the road.  Hopefully God will make a way.  I can't wait to see what happens!  Can you?

Thursday, January 13, 2011

My Biggest Fears...

I have many fears.  I would love to say that I have been able to work through my fears and come out on top at the end.  Cause almost all of the fears I have, I do not want to work through them.  There are however some very very silly fears that I don't want to ever have to come into contact with.

FEAR NUMBER 1-  I was a very very big lover of the T.V. show E.R.  In fact I watched since it started on t.v.  until the untimely death of the show....still harboring bad feelings toward this...I mean there was so much they could have gone with...they introduced Dr. Greene's daughter as a resident, John Carter was back in Chicago....was he going to get back together with his wife or not..The list could go on and on.  I guess I should get back to what my fear is.  It's from this show that my fear has come into place.  My biggest fear is that I will get into a car accident and they will have to use a saw to cut through my rib cage to do something to my heart.  I don't like saw's.  I don't like cutting of bones.  It scares me.  I'm getting the creepy shivers right now thinking about it all.

And for that...I must go on!

FEAR NUMBER 2-  I don't know if this is my second fear or if it's just in the fear category.  I fear I will be forgotten.  I would love to change or touch just one person.  If I could do that....I this fear would be off the list.

FEAR NUMBER3-- Rats....big big Rats!!!  who likes those icky...creepy big things.  In fact...I hate mice, bats, spiders (but I'd rather have spiders than bats...if I see a spider I thank God that it's not a bat, mouse, or rat.....and then I kill it.  I'm sorry that was mean..but I can not lie.  It's what I do)  Little story on this.. One time, long long ago in a land called Primghar, I was married for alittle over a year and I had just one child at the time.  I was going out to the garage to get something and I heard a squeak.  For sure, I thought it was a bat.  I very fast ran into the house, grabbed Mason, put him in the car seat...ran to the into the car...left home and went to my parents house.   I did not come home until Mike was done on the Garbage truck (cause that's how we rolled back in the day) and he took care of that acky creature.  Come to find out it was just a baby mouse stuck.  I guess there was no need to panic like I did.  But hey, who knew...I wasn't going to check it out!

FEAR NUMBER 4--I fear I will someday lose Mike.  Not to some other lady mind you, but in another way.  Someday, it feels to good to be true.  There have been times I wonder....I mean, he's the love of my life.

FEAR NUMBER 5--I fear I am not living up to God's expectations of me. 

FEAR NUMBER 6--I fear the cold.  I live in Iowa and I hate cold.  I can handle the 20 degree weather...but when it gets soo cold it just bits every bone you have...I must freak out. 

FEAR NUMBER 7--  I fear the pool water.  Not the pool, but the water that comes off of people when they get out of the pool and it goes on the cement.  This is a silly fear I know, but I FREAK out when I see it.  I have to tip toe through the bathrooms....(thats a whole other fear in itself...going to the bathroom while having a wet swimsuit on. aoahflsdkfnjalsdkfj.  yuck!) and I tiptoe outside on the cement, unless I have very good sandles on so that my feet can't touch the water.  I'm fine when I get into the water...I have no worries in the world.

I think for now that's enough fears.  I'm trying to conquer some of them..but some will have to just stay in the top 7 of all time fears of Lisa Frangenberg!

Monday, January 10, 2011

Bill Cosby - "Jeffery"

My mom loves Bill Cosby.  I remember when I was a kid she would listen to probably her favorite stand up comedian talk about how life used to be and what life with kids is all about.  Bill Cosby's "Himself" is the one she would watch all the time, and the one she would rewind over and over is the sketch about "Jefferey."  This perticular sketch is about a mother who boards a plan that Bill Cosby is on and she has with her a 3 year old drafting her as she walks to her seat.  Her appearence is all nice and proper.  Bun in place,  clothes all nice and in order.  She looks like a very put together gal. have to hear for yourself the outcome of this particual lady and the people in the plane with her.

Needed a laugh?!?!?  Well your welcome!  Have a good snowy day!