Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Doctor’s Office…why I don’t like them..

The Biggest reason’s I don’t like the Doctor’s Office is really only 4 reason’s.  And I’ll list them in order…

Reason #1…MatthewDSCN6597

Reason # 2 Nicholas


Reason #3…Anna


And Reason #4…Mason


My Case is simple.  There are too many kids for 1 person.  I’m out numbered.  You sit in the “lobby” with birds and fishes and toys and t.v.’s. And they expect you to keep your kid quiet.  Not my kids.  Matt was screaming like a LOUD little girl when his little eye caught sight of a fish.  Nick was running all over from one side to the other.  And when You don’t think you can handle anymore.  They call your name to go into another room.  Only this room is a lot smaller and they have NOTHING your kid can touch.  My kids always lose it when it reaches this point.  They are not meant for being caged in .  They see a big red container on the ground with a foot thingy that you push down and whhhoooommmm…the lid flies up.  Wow that’s fun!  Then ohh my a chair that goes in a circle…it’s like a tire swing.  Twirl and Twirl till we can’t stand it.  Then there’s the drawers, oh my!  open shut, Open shut, open shut.  That is what they do!  Matt found today a big cupboard door that had nothing in it and it was under the sink and oh my he fight just perfect in there.  Nick called it his new home.  Anna wanted to get into the action, because of course this Doctor’s appointment was all about her!  Then there is the “bed.”  I mean this thing has legs that come out…button’s all over, a drawer and paper on it…lets jump, right…cause that’s what we need to do.  And if anything happens, we’re in the doctor’s office.  Matt’s favorite part, is the bit shinny switch under the desk.  His other favorite part is pushing said button and turning it on and off.  never mind that it is a power button that turns the computer on and off.  But the best part about going to the doctor’s office is getting there early so, because if your late you might lose your spot, waiting for 45 min. to only see the doctor for 5 min.  Yes that’s what I love.  The hole time, I’m sitting there face tight, mouth tight, trying to yell at the kids without anyone hearing me. Words that may or may not have left my mouth are..”Just wait till you get home.. I swear your going to put me into the grave…I will spank in the count of 3…Anna you are 7 years know better…(Anna says) Mom I’m 6…(I reply with I don’t care what age you are just sit!”

I love my doctor’s office and they see a lot of people in a day.  But all I ask of you is to get child proof stuff that goes in the drawers and don’t leave OB stuff sitting out cause my kids will wonder…and that’s a conversation I’d like to avoid for now!

Until then, the doctor’s office will be paying for my therapist bill!

Happy Wednesday!

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